I’m reading this book called ‘Everyday Angels’. I find these types of books both interesting and open to question.
It is strange in our distress we go in search of purity and innocence. We see our ailments as some dark evil force or negative energy something has imposed on us. Many times I have said to my husband someone has a doll and they are sticking pins in it as revenge. Of cause that is not true, but we want to blame something for our unlucky cloud that hangs over us.
Do angels exist?
We all want to believe in something that is pure without malice in its actions. It takes us back to our childhood and the innocence we so undervalued. The thought of an angel invisible to the eye watching my every move, is like an invisible friend we may have had as a child that we could talk to when lonely or distressed. Yet if an angel was there making sure the path we take is safe not eroded with hazards. Does that not give you a warm feeling inside?
For some reason I cannot imagine my father in a long white gown with wings and a harp. He would actually be making the harps and finding a new way to light up the halo. The image actually has me chuckling just thinking about it.
An angel to me is an alarm bell that is an instinct hidden deep within us all. It sits and waits until something triggers it into action. I want to believe it is something more than that. That somewhere there is someone malting feathers all over the place. Who can play a small harp leaving you in a trance, but the adult in me says don’t be daft? It is like lying in the middle of a fairy ring and a white feather dropping from the heavens. The white feather was from a dove that flew over head, but you want to believe it is more than that. We all want a happy ever after story that has no tears or pain, but if the truth be told it does not happen. The happiness and security we crave as adults is within us all. We just need to trust in our judgements and not go in search of blame. What will be, will be no matter what path we take? As for my guardian angel she was a child I knew long ago.
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