I Feel So Good

It is eight o’clock in the morning I have zero make-up on and it is the usual school run. I have a nice strappy maxi aqua blue sundress on with a nice pair of silver sandals. I am pounding the pavements instead of trying to catch the 282 and what should happen, but a wolf whistle. Now there is a lovely young lady up in front and I believe the whistle was for her. I continue my journey drop Sophia off and head back again walking. There is another whistle from a white van man with a comment that I did not quite hear. Now everyone knows when there is sun and heat men loose the plot slightly, but it is early. I continue to ignore because there are other young women about.  I walk to a road where a man had pulled up and turned around he said, ‘I just wanted to let you know how gorgeous you look in that dress.' I look at the man not knowing what to say or do and give a sheepish smile.
Well that man I could have held tight and said a thousand thank you’s too. He did what my husband should be doing. He had made me feel a million dollars by saying a few words. He did not ask for my number or chat as quick as he said what he had to say he drove off. Whoever that stranger was he needs a medal for being so nice. I now feel like a giggly school girl all over again.  

I told a friend and she smiled with the reply, ‘Well I hope to see you dressed in a dress tomorrow too.’ I think about what she has just said and agree maybe I should try more.

No my post has nothing to do with BC, but it is everything to do with BC and moving forward.

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