Race For Life! Cancer Research Uk

I had a wonderful time with my youngest Sophia doing the 'Race for Life'. We raised £307 for Cancer research UK which my youngest is chuffed to bits about. I am going to book another two places for next year because she enjoyed it so much. I think this time I will do some extra training to help me run with her. She ran the entire course only stopping for me to catch up with her. It was more like the Tortoise and Hare race. Sophia had so many of the other ladies doing the race applauding her stamina as we puffed and panted, she was encouraging us to chase her. At the end of the race we came in at 35 minutes. As the other women who were chasing Sophia came in they high fived Sophia. It was raining hard, but that did not stop the laughter. The average for the race was 30 minutes for 5 km race. So next year we will do it in 30 minutes or below. Not only that, but I think I will do something extra special to create some smiles.

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