Why are the media so intent on building peoples hopes up? Then in the next paragraph take it away so easily. I have had years of taunting with the elusive diabetes cure. Only to be put on another conveyer belt for the cure for cancer. Yes! I shout very loudly with no thought or consideration for my neighbours. I want a cure like everyone else, but don’t give me snip bits to build your ratings for sales. Thankfully I am in a community of people who hope that there is a possible cure sat in some lab. It is just a case of waiting until it is found.
Yes again I must be reminded by my BC nurse saying that the Karen’s in this world can go on for years with drugs. I question this reply vehemently. As if this answer will make me feel better.
I know the media go by the right to inform, but personally maybe a certain celebs possible divorce was not big enough to chase. After all informing us on any subject has stats/pounds signs attached to it.
I have this wacky sense of mischief kicking in. I would like to stick a group of reporters before a firing squad, but no ordinary firing squad. The pellets are made of permanent ink of a fluorescent pink. Or maybe the blue dye they use for injecting our poor nipples with. Let the buggers fill their empty spaces when they know they will look like smurfs for a few days.
Ok so my rant is done for now about the media.
In twelve hours or so I will have had my breast tweaked. Oh the joy the absolute joy of knowing my breast may have a personality once again. Beats it sat firm and ridged against my chest defying gravity or movement. If my breasts could talk I wonder what they would tell. The stories of abuse that its owner applied. We had the suckling babe that nearly tore its nipple away with sharp teeth. The wet t-shirt competition I entered when they had barely matured. Or the sun bathing that left a red smile on my chest. Oh the abuse and now they reap their revenge.
Browsing through pictures of nipples and various tattoos’ on offer have me thinking. Some women have celebrated their victory against cancer. They have adorned their breasts with butterflies and ribbons. Not the conventional nipple tattoo that is on offer, but a friend strongly advised me not to go down that route. The thought of one pert breast at the age of seventy adorned with a dolphin don’t seem right somehow.
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