It is hard to make sense of the road we travel in general. We can sit down till our hearts are content and burden others with our worries, but it still leaves a gargoyle sat proud on our shoulders spewing out doubt on our decisions in life. This gargoyle is no light weight either.
I read blogs and threads in search of comfort that my prodding and poking is done, but that search can lead to guilty feelings too.
I have met some lovely friends who are still fighting this disease head on. Their journey has had its fair share of tears and laughter. If tears were flowing this community jammed together to support each other.
My BC nurse asked do you think you should be a part of such a group.
Well honey! I stick my bird in the air at you.
It is a proven fact those that are in a similar situations can offer better advice than those that are not. Sometimes a qualification is just not good enough. Experience softens your outlook and gives you the true effects. Words on a piece of paper saying how a person should feel and react don’t. Even roll play leaves gaps that real life actually fills.
I cannot advice people on the effects of Chemotherapy or Rads. Or the effects of Tamoxifen or any other medication, but I can guide those to a person who has. That is the reasoning for having such a community online. It is all about reassurance in a dark hour.
Karen is someone every BC women should chat to. Her confidence to beat her disease into submission is clear in her blogs. She has an open approach to defy the odds that are given. This blog makes an interesting read and I advice every women to follow her. I have met her and she is what she is. A fighting machine that is funny, mischievous and straight to the point. When she met me, she said me and you need to have a chat. Her softened voice offered the advice I desperately needed, but not once did she put doubt in my head. You will be fine were her words and she was right. It is very true that the right support aids recovery from such a battering. It does not matter what your treatment if that is in place your half way already.
She uses her journey as a positive for her to advice from. It is a distraction from the tests and prodding she faces. I cannot sing her praises enough. She has helped so many past their dark hours. This includes when her treatment was driving her mad.
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