Sixth Sense or not!

I and one of my friends had an interesting chat in private messenger. There is a young soldier who is a close friend to her son who is serving out in Afghanistan. Who had been seriously injured when he stepped on a mine recently? He had lost both legs, an arm and sight in one eye.
She said isn’t it strange how for one brief moment you change your mind. Apparently her sons’ friend had changed his mind about wearing the protective pants he had been issued. Normally he would not wear them. You may think this is little reward because of his injuries, but he is happy to be alive.
Sometimes we have an invisible voice or instinct telling us to change and maybe that saved his life. Yet somehow there is always something there you cannot explain. You have some internal alarm that is guiding you in the right direction. So you change your behaviour to try to resolve it.
I explained to her that once at the age of fifteen. I had a deep feeling my parents were in trouble. So I finished my shift at work I headed for the Scarborough lighthouse. There were no mobile phones then and my parents had gone out to sea in the cabin cruiser. They had headed down the east coast towards the mouth of the Humber. From the Humber they were going to go up the river Ouse where the boat had a mooring. There was a CB radio on board, but I was too scared to make a fuss.
I walked back and forth looking out to sea for over an hour. The sea was calm nothing looked abnormal when looking out. The sky was blue with the sun shining bright, but I could not get this feeling out of my head. The lighthouse keeper watched me as I seemed to be trance fixed.  My father was not one to take risks, but he had been given the all clear to head out that day. They had hit choppy water when they reached Filey. My Dad checked with the lighthouse and they said everything was fine and to proceed.
By the time they had reached the mouth they had hit a nine force gale. This was not abnormal for the mouth of the Humber they get freakish gales on the mouth, but when you put together gale and tide it can sink a small six birth boat in minutes.  
Exactly at that time I was stood looking out to sea. My brother and my younger sister were with my parents. When I left the lighthouse something by then had changed. Apparently they had found a way into the mouth and had beached onto a sand dune. They were still getting beaten by the tide, but once darkness had fallen they were able to get into hull mariner itself.
So do I believe in a sixth sense? Well that day my senses were going wild and I cannot explain it. Yes, you could say I was crackers, but there are to many things out there that cannot be explained.
Like someone told me and I do believe in this. We tend not to follow our instincts and listen to others more than ourselves.

My mum said I don’t believe in guardian angels, but that day she thought they should not have survived. Then I saw the protective hood that protected the back of the boat. I know she was not just saying those words it was a fact. The cabin cruiser had received a serious bashing.
So the method in this madness well listen to your internal instincts it may save your life. I know my Dad did have second thoughts about going down that coastline that very day.

The truth about breast cancer is very clear on these lines to. Each and every woman I spoke to knew there was something not right. It was their determination to solve that got their prognosis.

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